Our Postcode is B75 7ER. We are located at the heart of Falcon Lodge Estate, on Newdigate Road, two miles from the centre of Sutton Coldfield.
Falcon Lodge Methodist Church,Falcon Lodge, 86 Churchill Rd, The Royal Town of Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, Sutton Coldfield B75 7LB
We meet for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. The service is typically a traditional Methodist Preaching Service but on other weeks it could be Holy Communion or All-Age Service.
Messy Church (aimed at Primary School children and their Carers) is at 4.30pm on the Third Saturday of each month. It features Bible stories, craft activities, worship time and a shared tea.
We have our own Church Website with lots more at www.falconlodge.co.uk/about-us